Excerpt from Al-Mutanabbi's poetry_1

Excerpt from Al-Mutanabbi's poetry_1

If I am impressed with myself, 

    then it is the self-amazement of one who is truly impressive

Had it not been for toil, all men would have been great

     Magnanimity causes poverty, and bravery, death

He who spends all his hours gathering wealth out of fear for poverty

    What he has done is indeed poverty

There are hostilities that bring benefit

    And friendships that cause injury and pain

The intelligent one, despite all his blessings, suffers

    because of his intelligence

And the friend of ignorance, 

    amid his afflictions, lives in bliss

How many are those who find fault with a true word

    while his problem is a faulty understanding

I am the one whose literature is seen by the blind

    And whose words are heard by the deaf

Time itself is one of the narrators of my poetry

     When I compose a poem, time sings it

The steed, the night and the desert all know me

    As do the sword, the spear, the paper and the pen

Abu-Dayyibil Mutanabbi.
